©2011 Andres Chapman Glass. All contents are copyrighted. All rights reserved.

Select an individual pitcher to view multiple shots, a detailed description, dimensions and price. Please keep in mind that all hand blown soda lime glass is subject to heat shock. Pitchers are for room temperature or cold beverages only.

          PURPLE DOT PITCHER                            BLUE CLOUD PITCHER                         PEACH FRIT PITCHER

                   2 photos                                                2 photos                                              3 photos

PINK & GREEN LILY PITCHER                        PINK DOT PITCHER                           VIRIDIAN DOT PITCHER

                3 photos                                              2 photos                                              1 photos

    EMERALD DOT PITCHER                       BLUE GREEN FRIT PITCHER                        GOLD DOT PITCHER

               2 photos                                                1 photos                                              2 photos

BLUE GREEN PITCHER APPLE WRAP                                                                      CHERRY BLOSSOM PITCHER          

                  2 photos                                                                                                            2 photos